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If Not Affirmative Action…Then What?

Affirmative Action has now been removed from job selection and college entrance decisions. Marginalized people in our society have not had the same treatment or opportunities as whites. This applies to housing, loans, small business benefits, salaries, raises, promotions, elected officials, convictions, punishments, healthcare, education, you name it! Should Affirmative Action be reinstated? In what … Continue reading If Not Affirmative Action…Then What?

Sharing Our Gifts

Do you play an instrument, or sing, paint, needlepoint, quilt or write…perhaps stand-up comedy? It might be fun to give people a chance to share what brings them to that place of focus, zone, joy and/or spirituality. It could be an extraordinary accomplishment or experience you can tell us about. Email Laura Clayson what you’d … Continue reading Sharing Our Gifts

Services from prior years: