If you are ready to contribute your time and talent to the collective work of our Fellowship, we invite you to explore the volunteer opportunities described here and contact the appropriate person listed. If you don’t see a contact person, or know of another way you’d like to be involved, reach out to someone on our Board to explore the possibilities.
Justice Work at UUFC means reaching out and meeting the needs of our community as part of our spiritual practice. The Social Justice Committee has identified helping the unhoused, connecting people to food and social services, and protecting the environment as top priorities. Action taken by the committee has included supporting the low barrier shelter, providing funds towards a UUFC sponsored “tiny house” at Chico Housing Action Team’s (CHAT) Simplicity Village, and supporting the local chapter of 350.org to end the use of fossil fuels. One-quarter of our Sunday cash offering goes to charities voted on by our members. Contact Bob Crowe at bobco@pacbell.net or Angela Risdon at Risdon2@comcast.net
Communications/Social Media keeps our online presence – currently website, Facebook, and E-news – vibrant and relevant. Pam Sachs 1-530-717-5477.
Meal Train organizes meals and/or companionship for members and friends in need, as part of our Caring Committee. Pam Sachs: 530-717-5477.
Membership welcomes guests at Sunday services and follows up with them afterwards; oversees the education/integration of new members; and facilitates connection and commitment of current members. Contact David Strohmeyer at stroh5885@gmail.com.
Worship works with the minister to schedule and plan services. Worship associates prepare for and assist with Sunday services. Contact a Board Member.
Finance Prepares annual draft budget for Board review and approval before presentation to the UUFC members.
Stewardship plans and organizes annual pledge drive for UUFC operating expenses. Bob Crowe (510) 867-9975 and Lucy Sperlin 530-879-9369
Youth Religious Education Plans curriculum and activities for children and teens; coordinates and supports teachers.
Adult Religious Education offers discussion groups/classes for religious and spiritual growth for adults. Adult RE classes and meetings are announced in the E-news.
Music works with the minister, musicians and worship associates to weave music into Sunday services and special services. Contact a Board Member.
Building & Grounds oversees the maintenance of UUFC buildings and grounds including making recommendations to the Board. Bob Crowe (510) 867-9975.
GGUURUS-Guerrilla Gardening Unitarian Universalists R Us handles the Giving Garden maintenance and distribution of produce to local charities. Adrienne Edwards: 530-345-4406
Events coordinates the annual UUFC auction, and other fundraising and social events. Contact a Board Member.